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The #1 Rated Breakaway Roping Podcast

Martha Angelone 2022 World Champion Breakaway Roper

Martha is truly a humble competitor, who has stayed true to her roots, and her love of roping. She has set so many records in breakaway roping, and many more to come!

Read Her Story Now

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In the LOOP Breakaway Roping Podcast, Jordan Jo takes you behind the scenes in the Western Industry.


What is Breakaway Roping?

Breakaway roping is a thrilling event in rodeo where cowgirls showcase their roping skills. Itinvolves chasing and roping a calf using a special breakaway rope. Popular among womenrodeo competitors, breakaway roping combines speed and precision. Join us to discover moreabout this exciting event and the talented athletes who participate in the dynamic world ofrodeo.

Is Breakaway Roping in the NFR?

Yes, breakaway roping made its historic debut at the National Finals Rodeo (NFR) in 2020. It marked an exciting milestone for the sport, as the best breakaway ropers from around the world competed on the prestigious NFR stage. The inclusion of breakaway roping in the NFR has provided increased visibility and recognition for the discipline, further showcasing the skill and talent of the athletes in this thrilling event. Rodeo enthusiasts can now enjoy watching top breakaway ropers compete as a separate event location but NOT alongside other traditional rodeo events at the NFR.

How do you start breakaway roping?

To embark on your breakaway roping journey, begin by learning the fundamentals and acquiring the required equipment. Prioritize safety with proper gear and regular practice to enhance your roping skills. Seek guidance from experienced ropers and consider joining local rodeo associations to gain valuable experience in this thrilling sport.

How does breakaway roping work?

Breakaway roping is a timed event in rodeo where a cowgirl on horseback chases a calf, throwsa loop with a breakaway rope, and when she catches the animal the rope quickly breaks away from the saddle horn. Unlike other roping events, the rope is tied with a nylon string and breaks off of the saddle horn once the rope is secured around the calf, a flag attached to the rope breaks away, signifying a clean catch. The timer stops once the roper breaks away, and the fastest time wins. Breakaway roping showcases speed, precision, and the ropers ability to catch and release the calf in the shortest time possible.

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