Cali Griffin | Ask Your Idol

Cali Griffin, the coach at Fort Scott Community College, is not only passionate about breakaway roping but she is also passionate about her students, and growing the sport of breakaway roping in and out of the arena. 

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Eleanor Roosevelt 

Cali is so passionate about her students, and helping them to advance in and out of the arena that she put together the project of “Ask your idol.” This project was a survey of questions that were sent and answered by several of the top professional breakaway ropers in the world today! “ What I loved the most about this survey was how these ladies answered, and it goes to show you that there is no perfect science to being the best, and everyone has found their success differently.”

The questions asked were from the Fort Scott Community College Ladies Rodeo Team, and answered by the Professional Breakaway Ropers! This is one of the most insightful episodes that we have done yet, and I cannot wait to share it with you!

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Cali Griffin | Ask Your Idol pt 2


Pro Fantasy Rodeo | Breaking Down the Breakaway